Monday 4 April 2016

Tony Peniche – Making a Bold Fashion Statement in Business

Everyone has heard the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Unfortunately, human nature isn’t wired to initially respond this way when encountering a stranger. In reality, people judge others by their appearance just as much as others judge them. How someone dresses, how groomed someone is, or how someone carries themself acts as an early indicator of what kind of person others think they are. This is not to imply that people should make themselves appear in a way that is not true to their nature – if this were the case, the world would be pretty boring. However, it is good to be aware that the way a person packages him or herself is often the way he or she will be perceived.

When it comes to appearance, Tony Peniche is a seasoned expert. A serial entrepreneur, renowned fashion designer, and professional photographer just shy of 30 years old, Mr. Peniche has achieved more than many do in their entire lifetimes.His brand of men’s clothing line, “Killing Beverly”, was showcased at the 2009 Portland Fashion Week, making Mr. Peniche the youngest designer ever to be featured at the event. “Killing Beverly” was an innovative, albeit controversial, brand that set out to deconstruct the fake, materialistic culture that has become synonymous with Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills. It also represented notions of love lost to this vapid universe, using bold cuts and graphics to portray an array of intense emotion. Mr. Peniche’s clothing is not just for wearing – it depicts real messages about the struggle between genuine creative originality and the corporations that try to reduce this creativity to nothing more than a price tag. 

 Mr. Peniche quickly took the Portland fashion industry by storm, but his insatiable ambition pushed him to reach further than the border of his home state and country. In 2010, he accompanied some of Portland’s top fashion delegates on a trip to China to establish international relations between Portland’s designers and China’s manufacturers. Mr. Peniche was given the opportunity to display his Fall collection to the fashion association of China, which made Mr. Peniche fully realize the global extent of the fashion industry. 

 Tony Peniche has made quite a name for himself in the fashion industry, but he has no intentions of slowing down any time soon. With his successful fashion line and production company, fashion enthusiasts should expect many more creatively enthralling ventures from Mr. Peniche.

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